Share a payment link. Get paid.

It's easy to create and share SwipeSimple payment links through social media, email, text, or anywhere you want to do business online.

Accept online payments for anything you sell.

It's easy to share SwipeSimple payment links through social media, email, text, or anywhere you want to do business online.


Put a "buy now" button on your website. No special software or plugins needed.

Send links via email or text message directly to your customers.

Post links to Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter and sell to your followers.

Get paid anywhere you can paste a link.

Plus, SwipeSimple Payment Links comes with features to manage your business and incoming payment activity.

Get notified every time you make a sale. SwipeSimple notifications help you stay on top of your sales with real-time updates.

Stay on top of your inventory.

‍SwipeSimple can alert you if your inventory ever gets low, so you never run out of stock.

They're customizable. Specify the name of your product or service, add an email field, shipping address prompt, and more.